The "New and Returning and Slow. Oh my!" Runners Group

  • San Jose, CA
Club Bio

"I used to be a runner and I miss it." "I have always thought I would like to be a runner." "I am a walker, but I would like to make the transition to running." If any of these statements fit you or you are just tired of being the slowest person in your running group, this group is for you! My intention is to create a fun, non-competitive environment where new, tentative, and slow runners can feel comfortable to enjoy running in beautiful surroundings with supportive friends. Who is this group for? Brand new runners, returning runners that are concerned about pace and distances of other groups, slower runners that are concerned about "being last" or making others wait, and walkers that are interested in transitioning to running. Basically, anyone that wants to have fun and get outside for some exercise. Women, men, all genders welcome! LGBT friendly! Where will the runs be? I am a firm believer that running hurts less when done in a beautiful locale. Weekday runs will stay in San Jose/Los Gatos/Campbell area for convenience sake, but the Saturday runs may move around in the South Bay area. Only members can view run details and for safety reasons members that do not maintain active membership will be deleted. What is an Active Member? An active member attends (not just RSVPs) to at least 2 runs or workouts a month (obviously if someone is injured or training with another group for a big event, this will not apply) If you become inactive and are deleted you are always welcome to rejoin if your schedule changes and you are able to join us for runs! If any of this sounds good to you join this group and lets get running!

Club Type
  • Social
  • Trail
  • Road
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