Space City Running Club

  • Houston, TX
Club Bio

Space City Running Club is a premier post-collegiate distance running team dedicated to fostering high-performance athletes and facilitating Olympic development. Our primary objective is to unite Houston's elite distance runners, providing unwavering support towards their athletic aspirations while fostering a strong connection within the local running community. As part of our commitment, the club organizes weekly coached track sessions at the state-of-the-art Memorial Park track. These sessions are open to individuals of all skill levels, offering an invaluable opportunity for Houston's running enthusiasts to train alongside some of the city's swiftest athletes and gain insights into their techniques and strategies. Our overarching ambition is to cultivate a robust cohort of Houston athletes who can proudly represent our community on the starting line of the US Olympic Marathon Trials every four years. With the collaborative backing of our members, we strive to propel talented individuals towards their Olympic dreams while nurturing a culture of excellence and camaraderie within Space City Running Club.

Club Type
  • Social
  • Competitive
  • Track
  • Road
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