Legiondary Run Group

  • Charlotte, NC
Club Bio

We meet at Legion Brewing every Thursday night at 6:30 pm for a 4.2-mile run through the Plaza/Midwood neighborhood. We also have a 5K and 2-mile option! All routes are available in the "RUNGO" app under "Legiondary Run." Yes, this is the legendary Plaza-Midwood running route made (in)famous by countless runners for nearly two decades! Come experience that fast first mile downhill, but don't get fooled… the seemingly endless Mecklenburg Ave. grade awaits you.... and nobody ever forgets Nassau Hill on the climb to "The Top!" It's a challenging run, but the course is well-marked and all paces are welcomed. But if you are new to running or don't feel like doing the whole course we have a 5K (3.1) and 2 mile option! The best thing is that all routes lead back to Legion Brewing where we get to hang out afterward to socialize - and enjoy Legion's great craft beer!

Club Type
  • Social
  • Road
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