Kemah Running Club

  • Kemah, TX
Club Bio

We meet every Weds, rain or shine, at 5PM. There are different routes ranging from 2-4ish miles, unless you do more than one loop. The distance is up to you. You can include the bridge in your run if you want. It's all levels from walking to run/walking to all running. We are very laid you can just come to hang out if you don't feel like running one night. A good excuse to get out of the house. We usually hang out for a while and socialize after. You earn incentives....Sun and Ski is the sponsor and the first weds of each month they give away a $50 certificate to one of our members. Your first visit you will sign a waiver. Each visit after that you will sign in on the computer. That is how we keep up with each person's run number. I hope this helps. Please feel free to contact me if you have any other questions. Meet up with your friends, make new ones, and get your sweat on! See pictures for the routes we run.

Club Type
  • Social
  • Competitive
  • Road
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