Hi-Wire Run Club

  • Charlotte, NC
Club Bio

Join us at 6:30pm every Wednesday for our Hi-Wire Run Club plus weekly raffle for participants! We have 1-mile, 3-mile, and 5-mile routes available, and runners and walkers of all abilities and paces are welcome. Your run will start and end at our South End taproom where we’ll be pouring up cold and refreshing beer for your post-run fuel, and you can snag Benny Ferrovia’s pizza from next door. If you join us on 6 or more Monday runs, you'll get a free "Will Run For Hi-Wire Beer" t-shirt from Brooks, and after 12 runs, you'll get a gift card to Hi-Wire! Come and knock out some miles, enjoy a beer, and have a little fun on your Monday night!

Club Type
  • Social
  • Competitive
  • Road
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